The most common way to get a metal credit card is to apply online through a card issuer that offers metal credit cards. As with any other card, you should check out the costs, rewards structure and benefits to make sure the card is a good fit for you and your spending style. Then look into other cards, including plastic cards, before you apply. Make sure you meet the credit requirements, as most metal cards require a good to excellent credit score to qualify.
Some big spenders with high incomes and excellent credit may get a metal credit card by getting an invitation to apply for one of the exclusive metal cards on the market.
Custom metal credit cards
If you really want a metal credit card but find a plastic one is a better fit, or don’t want to apply for a new card, a custom metal credit card might be an option. To get one, you have to work with a company that will convert a plastic card into a metal one. Most companies offer a variety of design options.
However, there may be drawbacks. For example, you might not be able to “tap to pay” with a custom metal card. A custom card might also mean spending as much as, or even more than, the annual fee for a metal card.