This student loan calculator will give you a good estimate of how much you will pay in interest for your loan, and about how much your monthly payment will be under a regular repayment plan.
A few factors could skew the results slightly, so if one or more of these apply, you will want to check with your lender or loan servicer to get the exact amounts.
There are ways to pay significantly less interest than this calculator shows. Your strategy will depend in large part on whether the loan in question is federal or private.
Refinancing student loans: Is it right for you? ![]() |
As noted above, refinancing — replacing current loans with a new one — could save you a tidy sum of money on your student loans. It also has the advantage of combining some or all of your various school debt into a single loan with a single payment. On the other hand, refinancing federal student loans can sometimes be a mistake if you think you might struggle with repayment and want access to special federal loan benefits. These include income-driven repayment and student loan forgiveness. The exception might be if you are certain you can afford repayment and want to save as much money as possible with a lower rate. |