Ana Gotter

Ana Gotter is a business and financial writer with over six years of experience creating content on the topics including personal loans, financial planning, business management, and business finances. She can be contacted at for more information.

Articles by Ana Gotter

Recession-Proof Businesses: Profitable Industries and Traits

Recessions are nerve-wracking for anyone, but they’re often particularly stressful for business owners. And while we never know exactly when a recession will hit, recessions... read more

How to Get a Business Loan in 5 Easy Steps

A small business loan can provide the financing your company needs to cover daily expenses, purchase inventory, invest in equipment or expand with a franchise.... read more

Understanding Your Business Credit Report

Companies use personal credit scores to assess potential risk and trustworthiness when working with or lending to someone. Just as personal credit scores can play... read more

Understanding a Personal Guarantee

Before you get the funding you need for your small business, you may first have to sign a personal guarantee. Although it’s a common provision... read more

What Is a DUNS Number?

Businesses receive a DUNS number after registering with Dun and Bradstreet, the private business credit reporting agency that created the system. Similar to a personal... read more

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