Ben Luthi

Ben Luthi is a personal finance journalist who writes about credit cards, insurance, student loans, and other personal finance topics. His work has appeared in publications including USA Today, The Christian Science Monitor, Success Magazine, Time Money, and more.

Articles by Ben Luthi

Survey: Student Loan Borrowers Wait Longer and Pay More to Get Divorced

Going through a divorce can be complicated and expensive. The average cost ranges between $12,500 and $19,200, depending on whether there are children involved, according... read more

Survey: 43% of Credit Card Holders Have More Than $15,000 in Debt

Americans have more credit card debt than ever, with a total of $1.029 trillion in December 2017, according to the Federal Reserve. That’s an average... read more

20 Best Pharmacy Schools for Keeping Degree Costs Down

If you’re looking for a financially rewarding career, you might want to become a pharmacist. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, pharmacists earn a... read more