Headshot of Jamie Cattanach

Jamie Cattanach

Jamie Cattanach, CFEI®, is a writer who’s been working in the personal finance space for almost a decade. She’s published with TIME Stamped, CNBC Make It, The Motley Fool and other popular financial verticals, as well as writing content for fintech companies like Chime, SoFi, Capitalize and others. She is based in Portland, Oregon.

Articles by Jamie Cattanach

Blame Game: 60% of Those With Credit Card Debt Say It Was Unavoidable

Credit card debt isn’t a new problem, but it’s a concerning and pervasive one. According to the latest LendingTree survey of over 2,000 Americans, 47%... read more

Spending on Apparel and Services Up After Free-Falling During COVID-19 Pandemic

Fashion can be fun, but keeping up with fads comes with a cost. According to the latest LendingTree study, American households spent 2.7% of their... read more

Average Salary in US, by State, Profession, Age, Sex and More

Good news for American earners: Despite how broke many of us feel, the average salary in the U.S. has increased 41.0% over the past decade,... read more

Most Guests Feel Weddings Are Too Expensive, and 31% Have Taken on Debt to Attend

As the months grow warmer, so do hearts — wedding season is approaching. But it’s not just love that’s in the air during holy matrimony;... read more

58% of Renters Have Disliked a Landlord, and One-Third Say They’ve Experienced Rent Discrimination

Renting has its pluses and minuses. While it’s nice not to have serious financial skin in the game if, say, your house’s foundation starts crumbling,... read more

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