Headshot of Kat Tretina

Kat Tretina

Kat Tretina is a personal finance writer focused on helping people pay down debt and boost their incomes. Her own experience paying off $35,000 student loans ahead of schedule thanks to side hustles helps inform her writing on debt repayment, student loans and investing topics. Her work has been featured in publications like The Huffington Post, MarketWatch, Business Insider, and more.

Articles by Kat Tretina

How to Lower Your Student Loan Payments

Learning how to lower student loan payments can be a lifesaver if you’re struggling to afford your bills. Fortunately, you don’t have to be stuck... read more

Is It Possible to Transfer Private Student Loans To Federal Loans?

Since private student loans come from private financial institutions, it’s not possible to transfer private student loans into federal ones. However, it may be possible... read more

How Much Does a Master’s Degree Cost?

If you’re thinking of going to graduate school, you might wonder, “How much does a master’s degree cost?” The cost of graduate tuition and fees... read more

Best Places to Pay Off Student Debt By State

If you’re willing to move to a new state, you could get help repaying your student loans. Here are the top places to pay off... read more

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