Shannon Insler

Shannon Insler is a personal finance writer covering topics including budgeting, credit, debt, and the emotional side of money. Her work has appeared in Student Loan Hero, Business Insider, Huffington Post, Lifehacker, Yahoo! Finance.

Articles by Shannon Insler

Student Loan Default: What You Need to Know

If you’ve missed payments on your student loans, you might be wondering when your student loan goes into default. Federal student loans are considered to... read more

Don’t Let Student Loan Identity Theft Ruin Your Life

Note that the situation for many types of debt has changed due to the impact of the coronavirus outbreak and relief efforts from the government... read more

Can Your Debts Be Erased in Student Loan Bankruptcy? Yes, Here’s How

Can you file bankruptcy on student loans? Although it’s rarely an easy process, yes, it is possible to discharge either federal or private student loans... read more

Biweekly Student Loan Payments Help You Pay Debt Off Faster

Although you’re only required to make a payment on your student loans once per month, you could consider paying every two weeks instead. With biweekly... read more

Debt in the Bedroom: Survey Shows 32% of Student Loan Borrowers Report Decreased Libido

Have you ever worried what your student loan debt might do to your future or current relationship? It’s not unusual for money to throw a... read more

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